Agrometius BV
YieldMaster ISO
With yield measurement it is possible to accurately visualize your harvest. The yield differences are often greater than people think. With the help of yield measurement and the associated yield maps you can evaluate these causes much better. The cause can almost always be found in the soil, operations or water management. Several growers have taken effective measures based on the yield maps to increase their yield or grow a more even crop. As a result, additional yields of between £3000 and £5000 per plot have been achieved. The investment will be recouped within 2 years.
Yield measurement is the basis for the evaluation of the past growing year and the starting point for improvement for the coming years. It provides insight into the financial results of different crops, varieties and plots. It can also be the basis for creating task cards for performing variable operations.
- Brand independent ISOBUS system
- Can be used on almost any type of harvester
- Higher reliability due to additional sensors
- Immediately and automatically visible in an online portal
- Easily share revenue maps with customers or advisors
- ISOBUS system where you can use your own ISOBUS terminal
- Yield data is automatically sent to Cloud, no USB sticks required
- Data sent immediately, checked and available in your account
- Belt slope and belt tension correction for bunker harvesters
Why yield measurement from Manterra Agrometius?
- Cultivation specialists who can help you translate yield maps into precision agricultural advice for your customers
- Specialist system support
- Brand-independent data (Cloud) solution for your parcel data
How does the yield measurement system work?
The yield is recorded using the GPS receiver and calculated back to the exact location. For example, wagon weights are tracked, field and daily overviews are automatically generated and yield data from all harvested fields can be viewed. The yield data is sent wirelessly to the 'Cloud' and the results can easily be shared online with the grower. The operator of the harvesting machine can thus harvest carefree and undisturbed. The revenue data is processed directly in your own account.